Applications of Automation in the Onshore Environment
From oil wells to pipelines, onshore upstream and downstream vendors are seeking to improve their infrastructure to be more efficient. Removing the human element from dangerous tasks and improving existing mechanical systems drives many companies to turn to...
Importance of Offshore Weight Control
It wasn't until the late 1970s that the concept of weight control received greater attention in the realm of offshore topside development, in part due to "costly problems" brought on by the "lack of knowledge concerning the weight and center of gravity of the topside...
Gauging Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry
A series of offshore platform accidents in 1969 and 1970 in U.S. waters highlighted the importance of environmental and human safety in the oil and gas industry. Where the idea of safe processes and designs weren't a substantial consideration beforehand (PDF), federal...
Offshore Platform Decommissioning in the US
Offshore oil and gas wells aren't endless faucets, meaning the extraction infrastructure at some point will become useless once the well is exhausted. Yet the infrastructure can't just be allowed to sit unused; over time it begins to become an environmental hazard. As...
Developing and Implementing a Pipeline Integrity Management Plan
Over time, both onshore and offshore oil and gas pipelines degrade from corrosion and degradation caused by normal operation. As such, regular auditing of existing pipeline infrastructure is required to ensure quality flow rates as well as conformance with...
Offshore Condensate Stabilization Gets Customized
Stabilizing hydrocarbon condensates in the offshore environment is generally a tricky proposition. In cases where existing pipeline infrastructure can be tapped into, offshore producers will often opt instead to send unstable condensate directly to the pipeline for...
Basics of Subsea Pipeline Engineering
As the search for and extraction of hydrocarbon resources has moved offshore and into deeper waters, new subsea extraction and transportation technologies have been developed, including the subsea pipeline. To be fair, the use of petroleum-carrying pipeline in bodies...
Mechanical Integrity Vital to Entire Oil and Gas Chain
From design to decommissioning, mechanical integrity is vital to the entire process chain of the oil and gas industry. California's 19 CCR 2735.3 provides a quality definition of mechanical integrity, "the process of ensuring that process equipment is fabricated from...