Offshore exploration and field development has long played an important role in the portfolios of energy companies. However, as demand for crude has decreased and supply has...
Blog Category:
Offshore Oil & Gas
The Technology of Offshore Arctic Exploration and Production
While offshore exploration and production (E&P) remains a highly technical and regulated process, decades of experience and standardization have made such ventures more...
Chemical Injection Systems Benefiting Oil and Gas Producers
In both onshore and offshore production, companies are always looking for long-term, cost-effective ways to increase production and enhance efficiency. One way these sorts...
Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Continues to Innovate
During the 1950s, jack-up rigs took offshore oil production beyond water depths of 100 feet. Then semi-submersibles arrived in the 1960s. And by the mid-1970s the first...
Optimizing FPSO Topside Structure Design Not a Simple Task
Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels are playing critical roles in extracting and offloading liquid and gas hydrocarbons from deepwater and ultra-deep...
Gulf of Mexico’s Lower Tertiary Could Contain $1.5 Trillion in Recoverable Oil
After significant decline in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon incident in 2010, drilling operations in the Gulf of Mexico are finally ramping back up. Most of the current...
Gulf of Mexico Oil Lease Sale Set for March of 2015
Earlier this month, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced that in March, the U.S. federal government will hold a lease sale to offer up more than 40 million...
The Encouraging Economic Future of Deepwater E&P Activities
Despite facing political and regulatory challenges, the outlook for deepwater exploration and production looks promising as production from onshore and shallow-water basins...