Audubon’s vapor recovery unit for hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions addresses routine flaring and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emission regulations. With an unprecedented, turnkey solution for vapor recovery, our approach converts your facility’s waste stream into power or heat energy. Achieve vapor recovery, regulatory compliance, and sustainable energy at once.
As part of our full portfolio of
procurement, and
construction (EPC) services, Audubon’s enhanced vapor recovery system, the Vapor Upcycle System (VUS),* achieves compliance with the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (
NESHAP) and New Source Performance Standards (
NSPS) for distribution . The proprietary VUS captures waste vapor more efficiently than traditional methods of recovery and combustion and then upcycles it as an energy source—revolutionizing the vapor recovery process. Operators can harness their waste vapor as reuseable energy while saving time and cost in startup, operations, and maintenance.