Owner’s Engineering for Deepwater Terminal
Project overview
- Offshore oil-loading terminal for eight VLCCs per month
- 60,000-BPH loading rate (192 MMBPY)
- SPM buoy
- Shore-to-terminal pipeline
- Onshore storage
Scope of work
- Project management
- Project controls
- Multidiscipline engineering
- Detailed project scheduling & coordination
- Standards compliance
- Maritime Administration (MARAD) permitting
Project summary
Audubon was selected by Trafigura Trading to provide owner’s engineering for a deepwater terminal off the coast of Corpus Christi, Texas. The Texas Gulf Terminals project included a single-point mooring (SPM) buoy, a shore-to-terminal pipeline, and an onshore storage terminal.
The offshore port has a loading capacity of 192 MMBPY from eight very large crude carriers (VLCCs), making it the first in Texas to handle this type of vessel. To achieve this important goal, Audubon leveraged its expertise in project management for pipelines and terminals, including controls, scheduling, coordination, and compliance.
With the Audubon owner’s engineering services brought to its deepwater terminal project, Trafigura Trading was able to build an efficient, alternative loading option in the Gulf of Mexico that reduces port congestion.