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Audubon Launches Unprecedented Vapor Recovery + Reuse System for EPA Compliance
Patented Vapor Upcycle System to meet new NESHAP regulations and achieve sustainable energy at once
HOUSTON, March 26, 2024–Today, Audubon Engineering Company (Audubon), a leading provider of engineering, procurement, construction (EPC), fabrication, and technical services, introduced its patented Vapor Upcycle System (VUS)* as a sustainable-energy solution for capturing and reusing hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). The unprecedented VUS advances vapor recovery functions by not only ensuring compliance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations—it transforms toxic waste emissions into power or heat energy.
Sustainable energy powered by waste emissions
In response to the critical need for HAP recovery in heavy industry, Audubon developed and launched the VUS as a sustainable solution that meets compliance with the EPA’s updated National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for gasoline distribution. The proprietary system captures waste vapor emissions according to new, stricter federal regulations and reuses them as an energy source.
The VUS utilizes innovative power technology and an energy-saving modular design to achieve the highest level of HAP recovery required for industrial operations. Unlike traditional methods that merely remove waste vapor, the VUS converts it for power generation, electrical grid support, or renewable feedstock.
“The VUS is a breakthrough solution for gasoline distribution facilities—and for any industrial operator with sustainability or decarbonization objectives,” noted David Robison, Audubon CEO.
“Audubon is enormously proud of this innovation. Our team has been dedicated to its development as a key tool in the energy transition. The opportunity to power a facility with its own waste means cleaner air and improved grid reliability for us all. With the VUS, Audubon is truly engineering the future of energy.”
Gasoline distribution rule finalization for air pollutant reduction
Codified in 40 CFR 63, the EPA’s updated NESHAP mandates approximately 9,500 gasoline distribution facilities with strict regulations to significantly reduce the emissions of hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Audubon will work with its energy and industrial clients to support compliance with these standards for applications such as terminal loading, marine loading, fuel storage, and ethanol production, among others.
Read the full release here.
*US Patent 11,879,387