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Audubon Chosen for FPU Engineering on bp Kaskida Project in the Gulf of Mexico
Accomplished EPC firm to design deepwater topside for new bp hub
HOUSTON, TX, August 20, 2024 – Today, Audubon Engineering Company (Audubon), a leading provider of engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) solutions, announced it has been awarded a contract for the bp Kaskida project in the US Gulf of Mexico. Audubon will complete topside engineering and design of the Kaskida floating production unit (FPU), leveraging Audubon’s established design philosophies that will allow for faster cycle time.
Audubon Executive Vice President of Offshore Terry Mienie remarked on the project award: “Our engineering team holds decades of talent and experience designing and delivering exceptional offshore platforms. We are excited to collaborate with bp, utilizing our topside expertise to develop Kaskida optimally and safely.”
Audubon will harness its robust knowledge and experience—most recently exhibited for the successful Delta House, King’s Quay, and Shenandoah semisubmersibles—to design Kaskida’s topside, prioritizing smart design and tight execution.
David Robison, Audubon CEO, commented, “Our entire team is thrilled to contribute to Kaskida. This project represents an opportunity for Audubon to showcase our engineering proficiency and agility for one of the most significant oil and gas plays in US history. Our team is committed to delivering quality for every client and every project, and we especially look forward to supporting bp with its production objectives for the Gulf of Mexico.”
Engineering work for the Kaskida FPU has already begun, with Audubon designing the topside and EXMAR Offshore designing the hull.
Read the full press release here.